Apr. 13, 2023
Tower internals are a key player in the success of the overall operation. Tower packing is a mass of inert, solid shapes that are used for various applications in distillation, absorption columns, chemical reactors and scrubber systems. The packing allows for a greater surface area with a low bulk density for gas and liquid to make contact, which can also allow for contact in different phases. Tower packing is sometimes referred to as tower internals or structured packing, random packing or trays.
The main function of a scrubber column is to remove pollutants, heat, and particulates from processing. Tower packing that is located within the column provides a surface for capturing moisture and particulates that collect and then fall to a collection point at the bottom of the tower. At the same time, the hot gases rise to an exit.
Tower packing is suitable for a variety of applications and widely used in many fields, however, it is best to consult a reputable engineering and manufacturing company to evaluate and design the proper packing.
Intalox Metal Saddle Ring(IMTP)
Tower packing types include different materials of construction, ranging from metals to plastics, glass and ceramics. Metals can include carbon steel, stainless steel, copper and titanium. Some examples of plastics are polypropylene, PTFE and PVC.
Under certain conditions or in specific applications, each provides a particular benefit that may make one tower packing type more desirable than another.
Structured packing is specifically designed and arranged and neatly piled in the packed tower scrubber. The uniform arrangement of durable structured packing provides many advantages compared to random packing. Structured packing is more expensive, yet offers higher efficiency, lower energy consumption, increased capacity, as well as lower pressure drop. All of these will lead to increased operating rates and lower down time.
With a history that dates to the early 1800’s, random packing also known as dumped packing is one of the primary cost-effective devices used in mass and heat transfer. It is the practice of dumping filtration material into a column in the packed tower scrubber. This process is achieved during installation, at which point the packing is allowed to fall in random. Advantages include low pressure drop and reduction of liquid holdup.
The Raschig ring is a piece of tube, invented circa 1914, that is used in large numbers in a packing column. Raschig rings are usually made of ceramic or metals, and they provide a large surface area within the column, allowing for interaction between liquid and gas vapors.
Lessing rings are a type of random packing similar to the Raschig ring invented in the early 20th century by German-born British chemist Rudolf Lessing (1878-1964) of the Mond Nickel Company. Originally wrapped from steel strips according to his 1919 patent, now they are made of ceramic. Lessing rings have partitions insides which increase the surface area and enhance mass transfer efficiency. Lessing rings have a high density and excellent heat and acid resistance. Lessing rings withstand corrosion and are used in regenerative oxide systems and transfer systems.
Pall rings are the most common form of random packing. They are similar to Lessing rings and were developed from the Raschig ring. Pall rings have similar cylindrical dimensions but has rows of windows which increase performance by increasing the surface area. They are suited for low-pressure drop and high capacity applications. They have a degree of randomness and a relatively high liquid hold up, promoting a high absorption, especially when the rate of reaction is slow.
The cross structure of the Pall ring makes it mechanically robust and suitable for use in deep packed beds. Use Yamtop Chemical stainless steel pall rings in high temperatures, as well as acidic, alkali, high salt and other harsh environments. Ceramic and plastic varieties are available, as well — explore our website for details.
Stainless Steel 316 Metallic Pall Ring
The Bialecki ring was patented in 1974 by Polish chemical engineer from Kraków Zbigniew Białecki rings are an improved version of Raschig rings. The rings may be injection moulded of plastics or press-formed from metal sheet without welding. Specific surface area of filling ranges between 60 and 440 m2/m3.
Dixon rings have a similar design to Lessing rings. They are made of stainless steel mesh, giving Dixon rings a low pressure drop and after pre-wetting. Dixon rings have a very large surface area, which increases the rate of mass transfer. Dixon rings have a large liquid hold up, a low pressure drop and a large surface area, and have a high mass transfer rate. Dixon rings are used for laboratory distillation and scrubbing applications.
Yamtop's technical service team, engineers and chemists have decades of experience and are here to answer questions, troubleshoot and find solutions to your most challenging problems. Our experts can guide you through product selection and provide you with application-specific technical advice.If you need, welcome to contact us.
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